React Custom Hook: useClipboard
The useClipboard hook simplifies the process of integrating copy-to-clipboard functionality into your React applications, leveraging the modern Clipboard API.
A product-focused frontend developer, crafting creative, solid and scalable frontend projects with great user experience. And I love to write about my experiences and learnings.
Frontend Skills Set
Experienced in creating stunning and engaging websites using modern frontend technologies. Proficient in React, Vue and lit, and I am committed to staying up-to-date with the latest frontend development trends and technologies.
Collaborative Process
Believes in clear communication, attention to detail, and deep understanding of user's needs. Agile frontend development process includes planning, design, development, testing, and deployment.
Values and Philosophy
Values simplicity, accessibility, and performance. Committed to industry best practices, web standards, and staying up-to-date with latest SEO techniques.
I write about my experiences and learnings as a frontend developer, as well as my personal and side projects.
The useClipboard hook simplifies the process of integrating copy-to-clipboard functionality into your React applications, leveraging the modern Clipboard API.
The useDidMountEffect hook in React allows handling side effects after the initial render conveniently.
The usePrevious hook is a custom React hook that allows you to access the previous value of a state or prop.
At Usermaven, I built a seamless way to track users across domains without extra implementation work. Read on to learn how I designed and implemented it.
Lazy load fonts in Next.js by building a custom web component with TypeScript. Conditional font loading optimizes performance.
Using Python and Pillow, I've automated the creation of font previews to simplify selection.
Challenge assumptions, disrupt routines, and stimulate creativity using the B.R.A.I.N. framework.
Switching from pixels to relative CSS units like rems improves accessibility, responsiveness, and maintenance of sites over time.
In the ever-evolving world of web development, finding the right front-end talent can make all the difference.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.
I'm always interested in hearing from other developers, potential clients, and collaborators. Feel free to reach out to me.